Resonance Activating Core Equilibrium (R.A.C.E.)

Signs of impingements can start much earlier than we think…

Our bodies can start to weaken almost as soon as we’re born. For example, early in your life, an event can provoke the structures on one side of the body to compress and tilt that side of the body forward. These compressions would then force the structures on the opposite side to lose their shape and strength as the tissues are pushed or stretched. These circumstances could alter posture, which in turn, could interfere with normal mental and physical health.


In newborns, colics, diarrhea, constipation and sleepless nights are all signs that their little bodies are already in distress.

For teenagers, acne, headaches, bad posture or sore legs can also be considered as warning signs.

For young adults, peer pressure, jolts and falls from contact sports, overload of studies, and part-time jobs can bring on more malfunctions which should not be dismissed as normal growing pains.

It might not just be wear and tear

People with no pain, no disease and who take no medication can often believe their health conflicts and warning signs are just normal 'wear and tear' for an aging body.


Loss of flexibility, arthritis, spine curvature, tremors, skin discolouration or a weak bladder is not normal.


As we age, the accumulation of compressions will continue to disrupt the support systems making it almost impossible to avoid weakness, pain or sickness.


Some people develop bad habits to compensate for the discomforts and pains, which in turn, disrupt the posture even more due to unevenly distributed body weight. Others may turn to medication for relief.


For some, seeking relief only breeds frustration when medical experts are unable to diagnose the ailment and therefore cannot prescribe medication.

Events which could disrupt or weaken a body early in your life can be as simple as a fall while learning how to walk, ride a bike or skate.

More and more Canadians want to know whether using complementary and alternative therapies would help. The decision is a personal one, but if you are thinking about trying such a therapy, Resonance Activating Core Equilibrium (R.A.C.E.) would be a good start.


When medical professionals cannot provide relief or a diagnosis, natural therapies are where you should seek help.

Pains and malfunctions are not always signs of damage or disease. A natural approach may be exactly what your body needs to move into auto-correction mode.


When do I seek help from natural therapies?



Shane Crossman, Retired


Thank you for your

years of support.



Shane Crossman, Retired


Patients are welcomed

to contact Charles in North Bay.

Tel: 226-339-8919

>years of support.



Charles Duval, RMT


36 Lee Ave

North Bay ON P1A 2J7

Tel: 226-339-8919

VARS (Ottawa region)


Martin Skody

Simone Duval


1866 Alcide Avenue,

Unit 1, box 60

Vars ON K0A 3H0

Tel: 613-835-3601

Toll Free: 1-866-376-3662


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